
Question paper Mathematics VIII

Subject –Mathematics Max.marks - 40
Class - VIII Date - 25/02/2010

SECTION – A (1 x 6 = 6)
1) Match the planar figures with their respective areas.
a) Quadrilateral i) 1/2(a+b)h
b) Parallelogram ii) 1/2(h1+h2)d
c) Rhombus iii) пr2/2
d) Trapezium iv) 1/2 d1d2
e) Semicircle v) bh
2) If X and Y are two variables, then write the condition for them to be
a) Directly proportional
b) Inversly proportional
SECTION – B (2 x 5 = 10)
3) If the weight of 12 sheets of thick paper is 40 grams, how many sheets of same paper would weigh 2 ½ kilograms?
4) 6 pipes are required to fill a tank in 1hr 20min. How long will it take if only 5 pipes of the same type are used?
5) Find the height of a cylinder whose radius is 7cm and total surface area is 968cm2
6) A gift box in the form of a cuboid has the dimensions 8cm X 3cm X 4cm.Find the colour paper required to cover its lateral faces.
7) Find the height of a cuboid whose base area is 180cm2 and volume is 900cm3
SECTION – C (3 x 4 = 12)
8) A 5m 60cm high vertical pole casts a shadow of 3m 20cm long. Find at the same
time the height of a pole which casts a shadow of 5m long.
9) Find the volume of a cube whose total surface area is 486cm2
10) A cubical classroom of each edge 40m is to be white washed leaving the floor. Find the region to be white washed .
11) Classify the following pair of variables under direct and inverse proportionality.
a) Demand of the product and its production.
b) Speed of the vehicle and time taken to cover the same distance.
c) The population of a country and the area of land per person.
SECTION – D (4 x 3 = 12)
12) If a box of sweets is divided among 24 children, they will get 5 sweets each.
a) How many would each get if the number of children is reduced by 4.
b) How many students will be extra, if each get 4 sweets.
13) The floor of a building consists of 3000 tiles which are rhombus shaped and
each of its diagonal are 45cm & 30cm. Find the total cost of polishing the floor,
if the cost per m2 is Rs 4.
14) In a building there are 24 cylindrical pillars. The radius of each pillar is 28m
& height is 4m. Find the total cost of painting the curved surface area of all
Pillars at the rate of Rs 8 per m2.

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