

Class: Vlll                                                                                             M.Marks:50
Sub: Science/Physics                                                                                       Time:90 Min

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS                     1 X3=3
1. What is light?
    a) A kind of energy              b) Sun             c) Sunlight       d) none of these
2. The passage of an electric current through a solution carries -------effect.
    a) Heating      b) Magnetic        c) Chemical       d) None of the above                           
3. Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
    a)  Always           b) Sometimes             c) Under special conditions              d) Never

 ONE MARK QUESTIONS                                        1X2=2
4. What do you mean by electric current?
5. What is lateral inversion?

TWO MARKS QUESTIONS                                      2X3=6
6. What is the difference between cone cells and rod cells? Why owl can see at night?
7. What is reflection? Write laws of reflection with figure.
8. Draw a labeled sketch of human eye. How can you cure your eyes?

THREE MARKS QUESTIONS                                   3X3=9
9. Write full form of LED. What is its importance?
10. Is it safe for the electrician to carry out electrical repair outdoor during heavy downpour? Explain.
11. Does pure water conduct electricity? If not, what can we do to make it conducting?

FIVE MARKS QUESTIONS                                           5X1=5
11. What do you mean by electroplating? Explain with circuit diagram. Write any four uses of electroplating.
    Write principle, construction and working of Kaleidoscope.


MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS                  1X4=4
1. An embryo continue to develop in
      a) Zygote       b) Foetus       c) Uterus         d) Ovary
2. Animals which lay eggs are called 
     a) Viviparous animals   b) Oviparous animals    c) Fertilization    d) None of these
3. Stoppage of menstruation is known as
    a) Menarche   b) Menopause   c) Puberty   d) All of these
4. The presence of iodine in water is necessary for the production of
    a) Adrenaline   b) Thyroxin    c) Both of the above   d) Insulin

ONE MARKS QUESTIONS                                              1X3 =3

5. Define puberty.
6. Mention the male & female reproductive organs of human beings.
7. What are endocrine glands?

TWO MARKS QUESTIONS                                                2X2=4
8. Differentiate between internal and external fertilization?
9. What are the measures taken for the personal hygiene in adolescence period?

 THREE MARKS QUESTIONS                                             3X3=9
10. Describes the process of binary fission.
11. Briefly explain the development of embryo.
12. Explain briefly the determination of sex in unborn baby.

FIVE MARKS QUESTIONS                                                    5X1=5
13. Explain the characteristics of adolescence period.


A talk on Abrahm Linkan


                           NILAGIRI /B BOYS   


                                           Abrahim Lincoln was born on 12/2/1809 at coblin which is nearer village to Washington  D.C he became the 12th president of USA and he worked before as president as a storekeeper post-master surveyor and he became the lawyer in 1836 successfully.He lost his mother when he was in five years old. And his father Remarried to give him a happy child hood.Abrahim enjoyed his child hood very much.

                                          As a grown up he became the president of USA he also got the nobel peace prize for fighting against slavery system which being helded at the time and one incident made his life more immortal that is the longest speech of USA on 14th April after 5 days he was shooted by Jhon wathes gloth &he passed away from this word.

                     TOMMORROW IS A PROMISARY NOTE
                     BUT TODAY IS READY CASH
                                SPEND IT WISELY IT IS TRUE

                            THANK YOU                               
                                                                                                                                 BY ; SHANKARE DDY
       7TH  JNV Hothpeth.                                        

Essay on Adolscence

                                             EASSY WRITING COMPITATION
                                             TOPIC:Adolescence  Education

Class:8th B
Nilagiri B House 

    Grouth is the natural process the period of life,The body under goes so many changes leading to reproductive maturity is called Adolesence.The  body changes mark onset of puberty. The pirid of   Adolesence   starts from age of 11 and lasts upto18or19 years . in this duration ,it covers the “teen” (13 years to 18 years) . Adolesencts  are also called teenagers. By this period ,The body goes so many changes.

Ø      Changes at puberty
·Increse in hight
·Change in body shape
·Change in voice
·Incresed activity of sweat and sebaceous glands
·Development of Sex organs
·Reaching the mental,intellected and emotional ,maturity

Increase in hight
 In the period of Adolesence  ,the body will gain sudden hight .girls gain more hight as compared to boys . The bones of the body.