
Essay on Adolscence

                                             EASSY WRITING COMPITATION
                                             TOPIC:Adolescence  Education

Class:8th B
Nilagiri B House 

    Grouth is the natural process the period of life,The body under goes so many changes leading to reproductive maturity is called Adolesence.The  body changes mark onset of puberty. The pirid of   Adolesence   starts from age of 11 and lasts upto18or19 years . in this duration ,it covers the “teen” (13 years to 18 years) . Adolesencts  are also called teenagers. By this period ,The body goes so many changes.

Ø      Changes at puberty
·Increse in hight
·Change in body shape
·Change in voice
·Incresed activity of sweat and sebaceous glands
·Development of Sex organs
·Reaching the mental,intellected and emotional ,maturity

Increase in hight
 In the period of Adolesence  ,the body will gain sudden hight .girls gain more hight as compared to boys . The bones of the body.

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