SA -2 Result Analysis
Result Analysis Of SA-2 March-2012
Number of students who secured marks FORMAT III
Class SUBJECTS Below 33 34-59 60-74 75-89 90 & above Sub. Average Name of Teacher(s) Designation Regular/ Contract
VI English 0 17 33 30 3 69.66 J. S METHRE PGT Eng
Maths 0 2 19 46 14 79.41 ASHA G M TGT(Maths) Contract
Science 0 47 17 12 7 59.14 S.C MEENA TGT(Sci) Regular
Social Science 0 39 25 16 3 62.88 BHEEMA NAIK TGT(S.Sc) Contract
Reg.Language 0 4 5 46 28 83.31 NAVEEN NAIK TGT(Mal) PART-TIME
Hindi 0 13 12 38 20 77.59 SANJEEV. A.M TGT(Hindi) Contract
VII English 0 17 26 31 7 63.47 K.C. Hiremath TGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 20 16 28 17 65.52 ASHA G M TGT(Maths) Contract
Science 1 20 16 28 17 54.11 S.C MEENA TGT(Sci) Regular
Social Science 0 43 22 12 4 55.99 BHEEMA NAIK TGT(S.Sc) Contract
Reg.Language 0 4 16 46 15 72.84 C.N. HIREMATH TGT(Mal) Regular
Hindi 0 7 25 35 14 69.55 S.M. INDIRA TGT(Hindi) Regular
VIII English 0 16 34 32 0 62.41 S.B DEOKAR TGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 19 20 28 15 65.23 G.S. TANAKEDAR TGT(Maths) Regular
Science 0 32 30 18 2 56.57 S.C MEENA TGT(Sci) Regular
Social Science 0 56 15 10 1 50.51 BHEEMA NAIK TGT(S.Sc) Contract
Reg.Language 0 3 15 54 10 72.35 NAVEEN NAIK TGT(Mal) PART-TIME
Hindi 0 1 20 54 7 71.59 SANJEEV. A.M TGT(Hindi) Contract
IX English 0 12 24 37 13 68.05 S.B DEOKAR TGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 58 16 7 5 49.64 N.P.BETAGERI PGT(Maths) Regular
Science 9 42 24 10 1 49.92 S.BASAWARAJ,O.P SHAINI, SHRIKANT 1.PGT(Bio) 2.PGT(Phy) 3. PGT(Chem) Regular
Social Science 2 27 22 18 17 61.71 G.S. R.MURTHY PGT(S.Sc) Regular
Reg.Language 0 12 22 41 11 67.07 H.SHIVAMURTHY TGT(KAN ) Regular
Hindi 0 0 0 0 0 V.H.Kulkarni/S.M INDIRA TGT(Hindi) Regular
X English 0 0 0 0 0 K.C. Hiremath TGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 0 0 0 0 G.S.TANAKEDAR TGT(Maths) Regular
Science 0 0 0 0 0 S.BASAWARAJ,O.P SHAINI, SHRIKANT 1.PGT(Bio) 2.PGT(Phy) 3. PGT(Chem) Regular
Social Science 0 0 0 0 0 G.S. R.MURTHY PGT(S.Sc) Regular
Reg.Language 0 0 0 0 0 C.N. HIREMATH TGT(KAN) Regular
Hindi 0 0 0 0 0 V.H KULKARNI PGT(Hindi) Regular
XI English 0 0 14 27 1 76.79 J. S METHRE PGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 18 15 7 1 61.51 N.P.BETAGERI PGT(Maths) Regular
Physics 0 13 21 6 2 65.43 S.BASAWARAJ, PGT(Phy) Regular
Chemistry 0 14 17 10 1 64.81 O.P.SHAINY PGT(Chem) Regular
Biology 0 20 18 4 0 60.50 SHRIKANT PGT(Bio) Regular
KANNADA 0 1 8 27 6 79.62 H.SHIVAMURTHY TGT (kan) Regular
HINDI 0 0 0 1 0 76.00 NIL PGT(IP) Contract
Accountancy NIL PGT(Commerce) Regular
Business Studies NIL PGT(Commerce) Regular
Economics NIL PGT(Economics) Regular
XII English
Business Studies
Result Analysis Of SA-2 March-2012
Number of students who secured marks FORMAT III
Class SUBJECTS Below 33 34-59 60-74 75-89 90 & above Sub. Average Name of Teacher(s) Designation Regular/ Contract
VI English 0 17 33 30 3 69.66 J. S METHRE PGT Eng
Maths 0 2 19 46 14 79.41 ASHA G M TGT(Maths) Contract
Science 0 47 17 12 7 59.14 S.C MEENA TGT(Sci) Regular
Social Science 0 39 25 16 3 62.88 BHEEMA NAIK TGT(S.Sc) Contract
Reg.Language 0 4 5 46 28 83.31 NAVEEN NAIK TGT(Mal) PART-TIME
Hindi 0 13 12 38 20 77.59 SANJEEV. A.M TGT(Hindi) Contract
VII English 0 17 26 31 7 63.47 K.C. Hiremath TGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 20 16 28 17 65.52 ASHA G M TGT(Maths) Contract
Science 1 20 16 28 17 54.11 S.C MEENA TGT(Sci) Regular
Social Science 0 43 22 12 4 55.99 BHEEMA NAIK TGT(S.Sc) Contract
Reg.Language 0 4 16 46 15 72.84 C.N. HIREMATH TGT(Mal) Regular
Hindi 0 7 25 35 14 69.55 S.M. INDIRA TGT(Hindi) Regular
VIII English 0 16 34 32 0 62.41 S.B DEOKAR TGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 19 20 28 15 65.23 G.S. TANAKEDAR TGT(Maths) Regular
Science 0 32 30 18 2 56.57 S.C MEENA TGT(Sci) Regular
Social Science 0 56 15 10 1 50.51 BHEEMA NAIK TGT(S.Sc) Contract
Reg.Language 0 3 15 54 10 72.35 NAVEEN NAIK TGT(Mal) PART-TIME
Hindi 0 1 20 54 7 71.59 SANJEEV. A.M TGT(Hindi) Contract
IX English 0 12 24 37 13 68.05 S.B DEOKAR TGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 58 16 7 5 49.64 N.P.BETAGERI PGT(Maths) Regular
Science 9 42 24 10 1 49.92 S.BASAWARAJ,O.P SHAINI, SHRIKANT 1.PGT(Bio) 2.PGT(Phy) 3. PGT(Chem) Regular
Social Science 2 27 22 18 17 61.71 G.S. R.MURTHY PGT(S.Sc) Regular
Reg.Language 0 12 22 41 11 67.07 H.SHIVAMURTHY TGT(KAN ) Regular
Hindi 0 0 0 0 0 V.H.Kulkarni/S.M INDIRA TGT(Hindi) Regular
X English 0 0 0 0 0 K.C. Hiremath TGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 0 0 0 0 G.S.TANAKEDAR TGT(Maths) Regular
Science 0 0 0 0 0 S.BASAWARAJ,O.P SHAINI, SHRIKANT 1.PGT(Bio) 2.PGT(Phy) 3. PGT(Chem) Regular
Social Science 0 0 0 0 0 G.S. R.MURTHY PGT(S.Sc) Regular
Reg.Language 0 0 0 0 0 C.N. HIREMATH TGT(KAN) Regular
Hindi 0 0 0 0 0 V.H KULKARNI PGT(Hindi) Regular
XI English 0 0 14 27 1 76.79 J. S METHRE PGT(Eng) Regular
Maths 0 18 15 7 1 61.51 N.P.BETAGERI PGT(Maths) Regular
Physics 0 13 21 6 2 65.43 S.BASAWARAJ, PGT(Phy) Regular
Chemistry 0 14 17 10 1 64.81 O.P.SHAINY PGT(Chem) Regular
Biology 0 20 18 4 0 60.50 SHRIKANT PGT(Bio) Regular
KANNADA 0 1 8 27 6 79.62 H.SHIVAMURTHY TGT (kan) Regular
HINDI 0 0 0 1 0 76.00 NIL PGT(IP) Contract
Accountancy NIL PGT(Commerce) Regular
Business Studies NIL PGT(Commerce) Regular
Economics NIL PGT(Economics) Regular
XII English
Business Studies
Residential Bridge Course Ammapur
The residential bridge course school under Sarva Shikshan Abhiyan scheme has been inaugurated and presided over by the honorable Deputy Director of public Instruction yadgir at Pet- Ammapur village which is centre for several villages which were deprived of even fundamental facilities such as food cloth and shelter. Including education.
As the objectives of the school programme is to identify students who remained as long absent for attending the school, our members of the institution had keen interest to ascertain students from near by villages and succeeded in perusing their parents so as to send their wards to school by explaining them the prose and cones of education system in the present scenario.
The organization collected 20 dropped out students who were from remote villages, deprived of basic amenities due to various socio-economical background, and our institution appointed two experienced teachers and two assistants to train the students so as to develop emotional ability among the students to learn at pleasant school atmosphere by providing them games articles, note books, pen and pencils along with text materials and also playing kits.
The institution has maintained high respect in the vicinity for its excellent dedicated service .it has been even appreciated by the higher authorities from the department of education like, BEO, BRC, BRP, CRP, including the subject inspectors during their visit to our organization while at the functioning of residential Bridge course school at Pet- Ammapur. The RBC has convened an awareness programs to the parents of dropped out students and explained the various facilities to be provided by the government /semi govt/local bodies organizations towards empowerment of education.
The institution has proud to state that all 20 students joined for main stream and continued their education at theirs respective school and assure that students will never leave the school in future.
It is privilege for the institution to state that dedicated, commitment of service was even recognized by the people in the vicinity for providing quality of education. The chief executive officer of the yadgir district has given accordance for commencement of Mid Day Meal (Akshar Dasoha) facility to composite girls junior college and pre university college for boys which are located both at shorapur town. This institution is providing an excellent service to the pupils in providing lunch at after noon session which has become a boon for below poverty students, and also fact that the number of dropped out students has tremendously reduced, and both colleges achieved 100% enrollment every day without fail.
The school authority has appointed one head cook and 6 assistant cooks for working at the Akshara dasoha(Mess Hall).Appointed workers will carry the prepared food up to the door step of the both schools and there were several circumstances that officers of department of education had been an eye witness while distribution of serving the delicious food items to the students at school premises. The Deputy Director of public instruction (SSA) visited the spot, and with whole heartedly appreciated the service rendered towards the Mid Day Meal Scheme which was sponsored by our renowned institution, got name and fame not only in the above cited two schools but in entire shorapur taluka block.
The Director of the Mid Day Meal scheme from Yadgir District visited the institution and expressed happiness for the self less service and contribution of our organization.
For the block year of 2011-12 as per the order from the Department of Adult education officer dist Yadgir the training programme has been conducted to below mentioned literate adult women belongs to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe section of the society and made them stand on their own foot. The institution directed the incumbents to avail loan from local banks to purchase the stitching machines and also to open individual tailoring shops.
It will be an immense pleasure for the organization to state that training programme in tailoring has been organized to down trodden women who are below poverty line strata (SC & ST) selected from sagar village of Shahapur taluka block.
The trained women’s are enabled to stitch the skirt, blouse, trousers, petty- coats, pillow covers, even they are skilled in knitting the dress materials. All 20 trained women are having tailoring shop at their residences and running family independently.
20 literates women belongs to scheduled tribe section from channur vllage hve been selected randomly based on below poverty line and trained them at tailoring profession, directed them to establish tailoring shop by availing bank loan facility from the available local banks.
20 literates women belongs to scheduled caste section of Gogi -pet village have been selected randomly based on below poverty line and trained them for two months continuously at tailoring profession, and made them perfect in stitching work, it is found that all of them can use the stitching machine effectively and independently, further, all aspirants are directed to establish tailoring shop by availing bank loan facility from the available local banks.
At the End of the training programmes the lecturing session by an experts have been scheduled and an attempt is being made by an experts to through a light on various government/semi-governments /charitable trust which can help them for getting loan on self employment through where they can lead a better prosperity of life by availing loan facility . The bank manager and village punchayat members of the respective block were invited to attend closing ceremony of the training programmes and the participants received training certificates.
During the tenure of the organization of training programme officers from the department of Adult Education visited the spot and observed the training session, interviewed the aspirants, expressed extreme happiness and extolled the functioning style of our unique organization.
The above cited training programme has build the confidence among down trodden weaker section of the women community and succeeded in enabling them to earn individually and live happily in this competition world. Trained unemployed literate women are now earning their bread and butter independently and became the only earning members in their entire family.
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The residential bridge course school under Sarva Shikshan Abhiyan scheme has been inaugurated and presided over by the honorable Deputy Director of public Instruction yadgir at Pet- Ammapur village which is centre for several villages which were deprived of even fundamental facilities such as food cloth and shelter. Including education.
As the objectives of the school programme is to identify students who remained as long absent for attending the school, our members of the institution had keen interest to ascertain students from near by villages and succeeded in perusing their parents so as to send their wards to school by explaining them the prose and cones of education system in the present scenario.
The organization collected 20 dropped out students who were from remote villages, deprived of basic amenities due to various socio-economical background, and our institution appointed two experienced teachers and two assistants to train the students so as to develop emotional ability among the students to learn at pleasant school atmosphere by providing them games articles, note books, pen and pencils along with text materials and also playing kits.
The institution has maintained high respect in the vicinity for its excellent dedicated service .it has been even appreciated by the higher authorities from the department of education like, BEO, BRC, BRP, CRP, including the subject inspectors during their visit to our organization while at the functioning of residential Bridge course school at Pet- Ammapur. The RBC has convened an awareness programs to the parents of dropped out students and explained the various facilities to be provided by the government /semi govt/local bodies organizations towards empowerment of education.
The institution has proud to state that all 20 students joined for main stream and continued their education at theirs respective school and assure that students will never leave the school in future.
It is privilege for the institution to state that dedicated, commitment of service was even recognized by the people in the vicinity for providing quality of education. The chief executive officer of the yadgir district has given accordance for commencement of Mid Day Meal (Akshar Dasoha) facility to composite girls junior college and pre university college for boys which are located both at shorapur town. This institution is providing an excellent service to the pupils in providing lunch at after noon session which has become a boon for below poverty students, and also fact that the number of dropped out students has tremendously reduced, and both colleges achieved 100% enrollment every day without fail.
The school authority has appointed one head cook and 6 assistant cooks for working at the Akshara dasoha(Mess Hall).Appointed workers will carry the prepared food up to the door step of the both schools and there were several circumstances that officers of department of education had been an eye witness while distribution of serving the delicious food items to the students at school premises. The Deputy Director of public instruction (SSA) visited the spot, and with whole heartedly appreciated the service rendered towards the Mid Day Meal Scheme which was sponsored by our renowned institution, got name and fame not only in the above cited two schools but in entire shorapur taluka block.
The Director of the Mid Day Meal scheme from Yadgir District visited the institution and expressed happiness for the self less service and contribution of our organization.
For the block year of 2011-12 as per the order from the Department of Adult education officer dist Yadgir the training programme has been conducted to below mentioned literate adult women belongs to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe section of the society and made them stand on their own foot. The institution directed the incumbents to avail loan from local banks to purchase the stitching machines and also to open individual tailoring shops.
It will be an immense pleasure for the organization to state that training programme in tailoring has been organized to down trodden women who are below poverty line strata (SC & ST) selected from sagar village of Shahapur taluka block.
The trained women’s are enabled to stitch the skirt, blouse, trousers, petty- coats, pillow covers, even they are skilled in knitting the dress materials. All 20 trained women are having tailoring shop at their residences and running family independently.
20 literates women belongs to scheduled tribe section from channur vllage hve been selected randomly based on below poverty line and trained them at tailoring profession, directed them to establish tailoring shop by availing bank loan facility from the available local banks.
20 literates women belongs to scheduled caste section of Gogi -pet village have been selected randomly based on below poverty line and trained them for two months continuously at tailoring profession, and made them perfect in stitching work, it is found that all of them can use the stitching machine effectively and independently, further, all aspirants are directed to establish tailoring shop by availing bank loan facility from the available local banks.
At the End of the training programmes the lecturing session by an experts have been scheduled and an attempt is being made by an experts to through a light on various government/semi-governments /charitable trust which can help them for getting loan on self employment through where they can lead a better prosperity of life by availing loan facility . The bank manager and village punchayat members of the respective block were invited to attend closing ceremony of the training programmes and the participants received training certificates.
During the tenure of the organization of training programme officers from the department of Adult Education visited the spot and observed the training session, interviewed the aspirants, expressed extreme happiness and extolled the functioning style of our unique organization.
The above cited training programme has build the confidence among down trodden weaker section of the women community and succeeded in enabling them to earn individually and live happily in this competition world. Trained unemployed literate women are now earning their bread and butter independently and became the only earning members in their entire family.
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Class : 10th B Sub: Mathematics Sub.Teacher : Gangadhar.T
Sl.No Roll No. Name House FA-1 FA-2 SA-1 Total
Activity project Assignment Class/Home work Total Pen & Paper G.Total Activity project Assignment Class/Home work Total Pen & Paper G.Total
20 10 10 10 50 50 100 10% Grade 20 10 10 10 50 50 100 10% Grade 100 20% 300 40% Grade
1 1051 Akash G M S 20 6 10 10 46 46 92 9.2 A1 20 10 10 10 50 40 90 9.0 A2 90 18.00 A2 272 36.20 A2
2 1052 Akshata S B A 20 10 10 10 50 46 96 9.6 A2 19 9 10 10 48 43 91 9.1 A1 85 17.00 A2 272 35.70 A2
3 1053 Anukool R R U 19 7 8 10 44 36 80 8.0 B1 20 10 10 10 50 45 95 9.5 A1 74 14.80 B1 249 32.30 B1
4 1054 Arati T P N 17 2 8 9 36 22 58 5.8 C1 14 8 9 9 40 26 66 6.6 B2 0.00 D 124 12.40 D
5 1055 Babu H R S 18 2 4 7 31 21 52 5.2 C1 16 8 10 10 44 23 67 6.7 B2 57 11.40 C1 176 23.30 C1
6 1056 Basavaraj D G S 19 5 7 10 41 37 78 7.8 B1 14 8 9 9 40 33 73 7.3 B1 77 15.40 B1 228 30.50 B1
7 1057 Basavaraj D P U 20 10 9 10 49 45 94 9.4 A2 20 10 10 10 50 40 90 9.0 A2 84 16.80 A2 268 35.20 A2
8 1058 Basavarajeshwari B U N 20 7 9 10 46 42 88 8.8 A2 16 8 10 10 44 34 78 7.8 B1 88 17.60 A2 254 34.20 A2
9 1059 Chetan S B S 20 6 10 10 46 43 89 8.9 A2 20 9 10 10 49 42 91 9.1 A1 79 15.80 B1 259 33.80 A2
10 1060 Deepti V K S 20 5 10 10 45 28 73 7.3 B1 16 8 8 9 41 31 72 7.2 B1 70 14.00 B2 215 28.50 B1
11 1061 Dinesh B G U 20 9 10 10 49 41 90 9.0 A2 20 10 10 10 50 47 97 9.7 A1 92 18.40 A1 279 37.10 A1
12 1062 Gururaj S K N 19 6 7 7 39 29 68 6.8 B2 11 8 10 10 39 29 68 6.8 B2 65 13.00 B2 201 26.60 B2
13 1063 Kanchana S M S 20 10 10 10 50 47 97 9.7 A2 18 10 10 10 48 43 91 9.1 A1 87 17.40 A2 275 36.20 A2
14 1064 Kishor S H A 20 6 8 9 43 32 75 7.5 B1 16 8 9 10 43 30 73 7.3 B1 68 13.60 B2 216 28.40 B1
15 1065 Krantikumar N S A 14 3 7 7 31 9 40 4.0 D 14 7 7 9 37 16 53 5.3 C1 54 10.80 C1 147 20.10 C2
16 1066 Lakshmisagar S K N 20 8 9 10 47 41 88 8.8 A2 20 9 8 6 43 33 76 7.6 B1 80 16.00 B1 244 32.40 A2
17 1067 Lingaraj B H U 16 2 7 8 33 16 49 4.9 C2 14 7 9 7 37 23 60 6.0 C1 52 10.40 C1 161 21.30 C1
18 1068 Manjunath C S U 10 6 4 8 28 33 61 6.1 C1 14 9 9 10 42 29 71 7.1 B1 59 11.80 C1 191 25.00 B2
19 1069 Manjunath T K A 20 7 10 10 47 34 81 8.1 A2 18 10 10 10 48 33 81 8.1 A2 82 16.40 A2 244 32.60 A2
20 1070 Manoj S M A 20 7 10 10 47 47 94 9.4 A2 18 10 10 7 45 37 82 8.2 A2 90 18.00 A2 266 35.60 A2
21 1071 Maya R K A 20 7 10 10 47 46 93 9.3 A2 20 10 10 10 50 41 91 9.1 A1 89 17.80 A2 273 36.20 A2
22 1072 Neelanjan B K N 10 3 5 7 25 14 39 3.9 D 14 8 7 7 36 21 57 5.7 C1 54 10.80 C1 150 20.40 C1
23 1073 Neelupriya B P U 17 7 9 10 43 33 76 7.6 B1 18 8 9 9 44 37 81 8.1 A2 66 13.20 B2 223 28.90 B1
24 1074 Pooja M A A 20 9 10 10 49 43 92 9.2 A2 19 9 10 10 48 42 90 9.0 A2 82 16.40 A2 264 34.60 A2
25 1075 Poojashree A P N 19 7 9 10 45 38 83 8.3 A2 16 8 8 8 40 42 82 8.2 A2 81 16.20 A2 246 32.70 A2
26 1076 Prashant T R A 20 5 10 8 43 16 59 5.9 C1 18 8 10 10 46 27 73 7.3 B1 65 13.00 B2 197 26.20 B2
27 1077 Raju S R N 17 10 7 10 44 30 74 7.4 B1 15 7 9 10 41 23 64 6.4 B2 64 12.80 B2 202 26.60 B2
28 1078 Sandesh G N N 20 10 10 10 50 48 98 9.8 A2 20 10 10 10 50 45 95 9.5 A1 84 16.80 A2 277 36.10 A2
29 1079 Sangram H S N 18 9 8 10 45 32 77 7.7 B1 20 10 10 10 50 45 95 9.5 A1 87 17.40 A2 259 34.60 A2
30 1080 Shailan P H A 18 6 8 10 42 36 78 7.8 B1 20 10 10 10 50 44 94 9.4 A1 81 16.20 A2 253 33.40 A2
31 1081 Sharanabasava S J U 15 5 7 10 37 27 64 6.4 B2 18 8 8 10 44 32 76 7.6 B1 74 14.80 B1 214 28.80 B1
32 1082 Sharat C K N 20 10 10 10 50 41 91 9.1 A2 20 10 10 10 50 45 95 9.5 A1 91 18.20 A1 277 36.80 A1
33 1083 Shilpa S V U 19 6 8 10 43 31 74 7.4 B1 20 9 8 9 46 39 85 8.5 A2 79 15.80 B1 238 31.70 B1
34 1084 Shruti C A S 20 8 10 10 48 45 93 9.3 A2 20 10 10 10 50 40 90 9.0 A2 81 16.20 A2 264 34.50 A2
35 1085 Sindhu A H U 20 8 10 10 48 46 94 9.4 A2 18 9 9 8 44 37 81 8.1 A2 81 16.20 A2 256 33.70 A2
36 1086 Sneha M J S 18 7 9 10 44 32 76 7.6 B1 18 8 8 8 42 39 81 8.1 A2 71 14.20 B1 228 29.90 B1
37 1087 Soumyarshree M S S 20 8 10 10 48 42 90 9.0 A2 18 9 10 7 44 39 83 8.3 A2 71 14.20 B1 244 31.50 B1
38 1088 Suneel S A N 16 4 7 7 34 24 58 5.8 C1 16 9 9 10 44 27 71 7.1 B1 68 13.60 B2 197 26.50 B2
39 1089 Supriya R K A 20 8 9 10 47 43 90 9.0 A2 20 10 10 10 50 48 98 9.8 A1 78 15.60 B1 266 34.40 A2
40 1090 Usha C N U 18 5 8 9 40 23 63 6.3 B2 14 8 9 10 41 28 69 6.9 B2 58 11.60 C1 190 24.80 B2
41 S 0 0 0.0 D 0 0 0.0 D 0.00 D 0 0.00 D
Class : 10th B Sub: Mathematics Sub.Teacher : Gangadhar.T
Sl.No Roll No. Name House FA-1 FA-2 SA-1 Total
Activity project Assignment Class/Home work Total Pen & Paper G.Total Activity project Assignment Class/Home work Total Pen & Paper G.Total
20 10 10 10 50 50 100 10% Grade 20 10 10 10 50 50 100 10% Grade 100 20% 300 40% Grade
1 1051 Akash G M S 20 6 10 10 46 46 92 9.2 A1 20 10 10 10 50 40 90 9.0 A2 90 18.00 A2 272 36.20 A2
2 1052 Akshata S B A 20 10 10 10 50 46 96 9.6 A2 19 9 10 10 48 43 91 9.1 A1 85 17.00 A2 272 35.70 A2
3 1053 Anukool R R U 19 7 8 10 44 36 80 8.0 B1 20 10 10 10 50 45 95 9.5 A1 74 14.80 B1 249 32.30 B1
4 1054 Arati T P N 17 2 8 9 36 22 58 5.8 C1 14 8 9 9 40 26 66 6.6 B2 0.00 D 124 12.40 D
5 1055 Babu H R S 18 2 4 7 31 21 52 5.2 C1 16 8 10 10 44 23 67 6.7 B2 57 11.40 C1 176 23.30 C1
6 1056 Basavaraj D G S 19 5 7 10 41 37 78 7.8 B1 14 8 9 9 40 33 73 7.3 B1 77 15.40 B1 228 30.50 B1
7 1057 Basavaraj D P U 20 10 9 10 49 45 94 9.4 A2 20 10 10 10 50 40 90 9.0 A2 84 16.80 A2 268 35.20 A2
8 1058 Basavarajeshwari B U N 20 7 9 10 46 42 88 8.8 A2 16 8 10 10 44 34 78 7.8 B1 88 17.60 A2 254 34.20 A2
9 1059 Chetan S B S 20 6 10 10 46 43 89 8.9 A2 20 9 10 10 49 42 91 9.1 A1 79 15.80 B1 259 33.80 A2
10 1060 Deepti V K S 20 5 10 10 45 28 73 7.3 B1 16 8 8 9 41 31 72 7.2 B1 70 14.00 B2 215 28.50 B1
11 1061 Dinesh B G U 20 9 10 10 49 41 90 9.0 A2 20 10 10 10 50 47 97 9.7 A1 92 18.40 A1 279 37.10 A1
12 1062 Gururaj S K N 19 6 7 7 39 29 68 6.8 B2 11 8 10 10 39 29 68 6.8 B2 65 13.00 B2 201 26.60 B2
13 1063 Kanchana S M S 20 10 10 10 50 47 97 9.7 A2 18 10 10 10 48 43 91 9.1 A1 87 17.40 A2 275 36.20 A2
14 1064 Kishor S H A 20 6 8 9 43 32 75 7.5 B1 16 8 9 10 43 30 73 7.3 B1 68 13.60 B2 216 28.40 B1
15 1065 Krantikumar N S A 14 3 7 7 31 9 40 4.0 D 14 7 7 9 37 16 53 5.3 C1 54 10.80 C1 147 20.10 C2
16 1066 Lakshmisagar S K N 20 8 9 10 47 41 88 8.8 A2 20 9 8 6 43 33 76 7.6 B1 80 16.00 B1 244 32.40 A2
17 1067 Lingaraj B H U 16 2 7 8 33 16 49 4.9 C2 14 7 9 7 37 23 60 6.0 C1 52 10.40 C1 161 21.30 C1
18 1068 Manjunath C S U 10 6 4 8 28 33 61 6.1 C1 14 9 9 10 42 29 71 7.1 B1 59 11.80 C1 191 25.00 B2
19 1069 Manjunath T K A 20 7 10 10 47 34 81 8.1 A2 18 10 10 10 48 33 81 8.1 A2 82 16.40 A2 244 32.60 A2
20 1070 Manoj S M A 20 7 10 10 47 47 94 9.4 A2 18 10 10 7 45 37 82 8.2 A2 90 18.00 A2 266 35.60 A2
21 1071 Maya R K A 20 7 10 10 47 46 93 9.3 A2 20 10 10 10 50 41 91 9.1 A1 89 17.80 A2 273 36.20 A2
22 1072 Neelanjan B K N 10 3 5 7 25 14 39 3.9 D 14 8 7 7 36 21 57 5.7 C1 54 10.80 C1 150 20.40 C1
23 1073 Neelupriya B P U 17 7 9 10 43 33 76 7.6 B1 18 8 9 9 44 37 81 8.1 A2 66 13.20 B2 223 28.90 B1
24 1074 Pooja M A A 20 9 10 10 49 43 92 9.2 A2 19 9 10 10 48 42 90 9.0 A2 82 16.40 A2 264 34.60 A2
25 1075 Poojashree A P N 19 7 9 10 45 38 83 8.3 A2 16 8 8 8 40 42 82 8.2 A2 81 16.20 A2 246 32.70 A2
26 1076 Prashant T R A 20 5 10 8 43 16 59 5.9 C1 18 8 10 10 46 27 73 7.3 B1 65 13.00 B2 197 26.20 B2
27 1077 Raju S R N 17 10 7 10 44 30 74 7.4 B1 15 7 9 10 41 23 64 6.4 B2 64 12.80 B2 202 26.60 B2
28 1078 Sandesh G N N 20 10 10 10 50 48 98 9.8 A2 20 10 10 10 50 45 95 9.5 A1 84 16.80 A2 277 36.10 A2
29 1079 Sangram H S N 18 9 8 10 45 32 77 7.7 B1 20 10 10 10 50 45 95 9.5 A1 87 17.40 A2 259 34.60 A2
30 1080 Shailan P H A 18 6 8 10 42 36 78 7.8 B1 20 10 10 10 50 44 94 9.4 A1 81 16.20 A2 253 33.40 A2
31 1081 Sharanabasava S J U 15 5 7 10 37 27 64 6.4 B2 18 8 8 10 44 32 76 7.6 B1 74 14.80 B1 214 28.80 B1
32 1082 Sharat C K N 20 10 10 10 50 41 91 9.1 A2 20 10 10 10 50 45 95 9.5 A1 91 18.20 A1 277 36.80 A1
33 1083 Shilpa S V U 19 6 8 10 43 31 74 7.4 B1 20 9 8 9 46 39 85 8.5 A2 79 15.80 B1 238 31.70 B1
34 1084 Shruti C A S 20 8 10 10 48 45 93 9.3 A2 20 10 10 10 50 40 90 9.0 A2 81 16.20 A2 264 34.50 A2
35 1085 Sindhu A H U 20 8 10 10 48 46 94 9.4 A2 18 9 9 8 44 37 81 8.1 A2 81 16.20 A2 256 33.70 A2
36 1086 Sneha M J S 18 7 9 10 44 32 76 7.6 B1 18 8 8 8 42 39 81 8.1 A2 71 14.20 B1 228 29.90 B1
37 1087 Soumyarshree M S S 20 8 10 10 48 42 90 9.0 A2 18 9 10 7 44 39 83 8.3 A2 71 14.20 B1 244 31.50 B1
38 1088 Suneel S A N 16 4 7 7 34 24 58 5.8 C1 16 9 9 10 44 27 71 7.1 B1 68 13.60 B2 197 26.50 B2
39 1089 Supriya R K A 20 8 9 10 47 43 90 9.0 A2 20 10 10 10 50 48 98 9.8 A1 78 15.60 B1 266 34.40 A2
40 1090 Usha C N U 18 5 8 9 40 23 63 6.3 B2 14 8 9 10 41 28 69 6.9 B2 58 11.60 C1 190 24.80 B2
41 S 0 0 0.0 D 0 0 0.0 D 0.00 D 0 0.00 D
Final result of X A and B
JNV YADGIRI | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CCE:2011-12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class : 10th A Sub: Mathematics Sub.Teacher : Gangadhar.T | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sl.No | Roll No. | Name | House | FA-1 | FA-2 | SA-1 | Total | ||||||||||||||||||||
Activity | project | Assignment | Class/Home work | Total | Pen & Paper | G.Total | Activity | project | Assignment | Class/Home work | Total | Pen & Paper | G.Total | ||||||||||||||
20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 50 | 100 | 10% | Grade | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 50 | 100 | 10% | Grade | 100 | 20% | 300 | 40% | Grade | |||||
1 | 1001 | Amarendra B M | A | 16 | 4 | 20 | 20 | 40 | 4.0 | =9.1,"A1",IF(L7>=8.1,"A2",IF(L7>=7.1,"B1",IF(L7>6.1,"B2",IF(L7>=5.1,"C1",IF(L7>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>D | 12 | 8 | 9 | 6 | 35 | 18 | 53 | 5.3 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U7>=8.1,"A2",IF(U7>=7.1,"B1",IF(U7>6.1,"B2",IF(U7>=5.1,"C1",IF(U7>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 57 | 11.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X7>=16.2,"A2",IF(X7>=14.2,"B1",IF(X7>=12.2,"B2",IF(X7>=10.2,"C1",IF(X7>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 150 | 20.70 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA7>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA7>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA7>24.4,"B2",IF(AA7>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA7>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | ||
2 | 1002 | Ambika B B | A | 16 | 4 | 7 | 8 | 35 | 22 | 57 | 5.7 | =901,"A1",IF(L8>=8.1,"A2",IF(L8>=7.1,"B1",IF(L8>6.1,"B2",IF(L8>=5.1,"C1",IF(L8>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 14 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 37 | 12 | 49 | 4.9 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U8>=8.1,"A2",IF(U8>=7.1,"B1",IF(U8>6.1,"B2",IF(U8>=5.1,"C1",IF(U8>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 | 48 | 9.60 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X8>=16.2,"A2",IF(X8>=14.2,"B1",IF(X8>=12.2,"B2",IF(X8>=10.2,"C1",IF(X8>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 | 154 | 20.20 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA8>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA8>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA8>24.4,"B2",IF(AA8>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA8>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 |
3 | 1003 | Archana S N | N | 20 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 45 | 29 | 74 | 7.4 | =901,"A1",IF(L9>=8.1,"A2",IF(L9>=7.1,"B1",IF(L9>6.1,"B2",IF(L9>=5.1,"C1",IF(L9>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 18 | 9 | 8 | 9 | 44 | 33 | 77 | 7.7 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U9>=8.1,"A2",IF(U9>=7.1,"B1",IF(U9>6.1,"B2",IF(U9>=5.1,"C1",IF(U9>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 72 | 14.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X9>=16.2,"A2",IF(X9>=14.2,"B1",IF(X9>=12.2,"B2",IF(X9>=10.2,"C1",IF(X9>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 223 | 29.50 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA9>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA9>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA9>24.4,"B2",IF(AA9>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA9>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 |
4 | 1004 | Archankumar A B | S | 17 | 5 | 8 | 7 | 37 | 37 | 74 | 7.4 | =901,"A1",IF(L10>=8.1,"A2",IF(L10>=7.1,"B1",IF(L10>6.1,"B2",IF(L10>=5.1,"C1",IF(L10>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 13 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 38 | 32 | 70 | 7.0 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U10>=8.1,"A2",IF(U10>=7.1,"B1",IF(U10>6.1,"B2",IF(U10>=5.1,"C1",IF(U10>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 84 | 16.80 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X10>=16.2,"A2",IF(X10>=14.2,"B1",IF(X10>=12.2,"B2",IF(X10>=10.2,"C1",IF(X10>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 228 | 31.20 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA10>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA10>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA10>24.4,"B2",IF(AA10>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA10>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 |
5 | 1005 | Ashwini B K | N | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 46 | 96 | 9.6 | =901,"A1",IF(L11>=8.1,"A2",IF(L11>=7.1,"B1",IF(L11>6.1,"B2",IF(L11>=5.1,"C1",IF(L11>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 18 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 45 | 37 | 82 | 8.2 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U11>=8.1,"A2",IF(U11>=7.1,"B1",IF(U11>6.1,"B2",IF(U11>=5.1,"C1",IF(U11>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 83 | 16.60 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X11>=16.2,"A2",IF(X11>=14.2,"B1",IF(X11>=12.2,"B2",IF(X11>=10.2,"C1",IF(X11>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 261 | 34.40 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA11>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA11>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA11>24.4,"B2",IF(AA11>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA11>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
6 | 1006 | Bablesh S C | A | 17 | 5 | 9 | 9 | 40 | 30 | 70 | 7.0 | =901,"A1",IF(L12>=8.1,"A2",IF(L12>=7.1,"B1",IF(L12>6.1,"B2",IF(L12>=5.1,"C1",IF(L12>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 16 | 8 | 7 | 5 | 36 | 15 | 51 | 5.1 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U12>=8.1,"A2",IF(U12>=7.1,"B1",IF(U12>6.1,"B2",IF(U12>=5.1,"C1",IF(U12>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 0.00 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X12>=16.2,"A2",IF(X12>=14.2,"B1",IF(X12>=12.2,"B2",IF(X12>=10.2,"C1",IF(X12>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>D | 121 | 12.10 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA12>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA12>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA12>24.4,"B2",IF(AA12>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA12>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>D | |
7 | 1007 | Basavaraj M S | S | 8 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 24 | 17 | 41 | 4.1 | =901,"A1",IF(L13>=8.1,"A2",IF(L13>=7.1,"B1",IF(L13>6.1,"B2",IF(L13>=5.1,"C1",IF(L13>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 | 14 | 6 | 7 | 6 | 33 | 11 | 44 | 4.4 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U13>=8.1,"A2",IF(U13>=7.1,"B1",IF(U13>6.1,"B2",IF(U13>=5.1,"C1",IF(U13>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 | 55 | 11.00 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X13>=16.2,"A2",IF(X13>=14.2,"B1",IF(X13>=12.2,"B2",IF(X13>=10.2,"C1",IF(X13>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 140 | 19.50 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA13>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA13>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA13>24.4,"B2",IF(AA13>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA13>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 |
8 | 1008 | Hanamant D V | S | 17 | 5 | 8 | 9 | 39 | 24 | 63 | 6.3 | =901,"A1",IF(L14>=8.1,"A2",IF(L14>=7.1,"B1",IF(L14>6.1,"B2",IF(L14>=5.1,"C1",IF(L14>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 14 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 40 | 24 | 64 | 6.4 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U14>=8.1,"A2",IF(U14>=7.1,"B1",IF(U14>6.1,"B2",IF(U14>=5.1,"C1",IF(U14>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 67 | 13.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X14>=16.2,"A2",IF(X14>=14.2,"B1",IF(X14>=12.2,"B2",IF(X14>=10.2,"C1",IF(X14>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 194 | 26.10 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA14>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA14>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA14>24.4,"B2",IF(AA14>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA14>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 |
9 | 1009 | Ishappa K R | U | 20 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 49 | 39 | 88 | 8.8 | =901,"A1",IF(L15>=8.1,"A2",IF(L15>=7.1,"B1",IF(L15>6.1,"B2",IF(L15>=5.1,"C1",IF(L15>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 14 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 40 | 35 | 75 | 7.5 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U15>=8.1,"A2",IF(U15>=7.1,"B1",IF(U15>6.1,"B2",IF(U15>=5.1,"C1",IF(U15>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 81 | 16.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X15>=16.2,"A2",IF(X15>=14.2,"B1",IF(X15>=12.2,"B2",IF(X15>=10.2,"C1",IF(X15>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 244 | 32.50 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA15>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA15>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA15>24.4,"B2",IF(AA15>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA15>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
10 | 1010 | Jagannath K K | S | 19 | 7 | 10 | 10 | 46 | 42 | 88 | 8.8 | =901,"A1",IF(L16>=8.1,"A2",IF(L16>=7.1,"B1",IF(L16>6.1,"B2",IF(L16>=5.1,"C1",IF(L16>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 20 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 48 | 31 | 79 | 7.9 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U16>=8.1,"A2",IF(U16>=7.1,"B1",IF(U16>6.1,"B2",IF(U16>=5.1,"C1",IF(U16>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 0.00 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X16>=16.2,"A2",IF(X16>=14.2,"B1",IF(X16>=12.2,"B2",IF(X16>=10.2,"C1",IF(X16>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>D | 167 | 16.70 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA16>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA16>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA16>24.4,"B2",IF(AA16>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA16>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 | |
11 | 1011 | Jyothi K C | N | 17 | 8 | 7 | 10 | 42 | 20 | 62 | 6.2 | =901,"A1",IF(L17>=8.1,"A2",IF(L17>=7.1,"B1",IF(L17>6.1,"B2",IF(L17>=5.1,"C1",IF(L17>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 16 | 9 | 8 | 9 | 42 | 25 | 67 | 6.7 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U17>=8.1,"A2",IF(U17>=7.1,"B1",IF(U17>6.1,"B2",IF(U17>=5.1,"C1",IF(U17>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 56 | 11.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X17>=16.2,"A2",IF(X17>=14.2,"B1",IF(X17>=12.2,"B2",IF(X17>=10.2,"C1",IF(X17>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 185 | 24.10 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA17>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA17>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA17>24.4,"B2",IF(AA17>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA17>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 |
12 | 1012 | Kailash M S | U | 16 | 4 | 9 | 9 | 38 | 23 | 61 | 6.1 | =901,"A1",IF(L18>=8.1,"A2",IF(L18>=7.1,"B1",IF(L18>6.1,"B2",IF(L18>=5.1,"C1",IF(L18>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 14 | 8 | 9 | 8 | 39 | 20 | 59 | 5.9 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U18>=8.1,"A2",IF(U18>=7.1,"B1",IF(U18>6.1,"B2",IF(U18>=5.1,"C1",IF(U18>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 56 | 11.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X18>=16.2,"A2",IF(X18>=14.2,"B1",IF(X18>=12.2,"B2",IF(X18>=10.2,"C1",IF(X18>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 176 | 23.20 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA18>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA18>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA18>24.4,"B2",IF(AA18>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA18>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 |
13 | 1013 | Kambayya S P | A | 16 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 37 | 16 | 53 | 5.3 | =901,"A1",IF(L19>=8.1,"A2",IF(L19>=7.1,"B1",IF(L19>6.1,"B2",IF(L19>=5.1,"C1",IF(L19>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 14 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 34 | 13 | 47 | 4.7 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U19>=8.1,"A2",IF(U19>=7.1,"B1",IF(U19>6.1,"B2",IF(U19>=5.1,"C1",IF(U19>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 | 54 | 10.80 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X19>=16.2,"A2",IF(X19>=14.2,"B1",IF(X19>=12.2,"B2",IF(X19>=10.2,"C1",IF(X19>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 154 | 20.80 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA19>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA19>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA19>24.4,"B2",IF(AA19>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA19>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 |
14 | 1014 | Kirankumar G G | S | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 35 | 85 | 8.5 | =901,"A1",IF(L20>=8.1,"A2",IF(L20>=7.1,"B1",IF(L20>6.1,"B2",IF(L20>=5.1,"C1",IF(L20>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 19 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 49 | 35 | 84 | 8.4 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U20>=8.1,"A2",IF(U20>=7.1,"B1",IF(U20>6.1,"B2",IF(U20>=5.1,"C1",IF(U20>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 93 | 18.60 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X20>=16.2,"A2",IF(X20>=14.2,"B1",IF(X20>=12.2,"B2",IF(X20>=10.2,"C1",IF(X20>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 | 262 | 35.50 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA20>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA20>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA20>24.4,"B2",IF(AA20>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA20>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
15 | 1015 | Lingaraj S T | U | 15 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 40 | 26 | 66 | 6.6 | =901,"A1",IF(L21>=8.1,"A2",IF(L21>=7.1,"B1",IF(L21>6.1,"B2",IF(L21>=5.1,"C1",IF(L21>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 10 | 8 | 9 | 27 | 23 | 50 | 5.0 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U21>=8.1,"A2",IF(U21>=7.1,"B1",IF(U21>6.1,"B2",IF(U21>=5.1,"C1",IF(U21>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 | 65 | 13.00 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X21>=16.2,"A2",IF(X21>=14.2,"B1",IF(X21>=12.2,"B2",IF(X21>=10.2,"C1",IF(X21>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 181 | 24.60 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA21>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA21>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA21>24.4,"B2",IF(AA21>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA21>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | |
16 | 1016 | Mahesh G R | A | 19 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 44 | 27 | 71 | 7.1 | =901,"A1",IF(L22>=8.1,"A2",IF(L22>=7.1,"B1",IF(L22>6.1,"B2",IF(L22>=5.1,"C1",IF(L22>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 14 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 44 | 32 | 76 | 7.6 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U22>=8.1,"A2",IF(U22>=7.1,"B1",IF(U22>6.1,"B2",IF(U22>=5.1,"C1",IF(U22>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 83 | 16.60 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X22>=16.2,"A2",IF(X22>=14.2,"B1",IF(X22>=12.2,"B2",IF(X22>=10.2,"C1",IF(X22>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 230 | 31.30 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA22>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA22>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA22>24.4,"B2",IF(AA22>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA22>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 |
17 | 1017 | Manjunath R S | S | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 46 | 96 | 9.6 | =901,"A1",IF(L23>=8.1,"A2",IF(L23>=7.1,"B1",IF(L23>6.1,"B2",IF(L23>=5.1,"C1",IF(L23>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 34 | 84 | 8.4 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U23>=8.1,"A2",IF(U23>=7.1,"B1",IF(U23>6.1,"B2",IF(U23>=5.1,"C1",IF(U23>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 82 | 16.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X23>=16.2,"A2",IF(X23>=14.2,"B1",IF(X23>=12.2,"B2",IF(X23>=10.2,"C1",IF(X23>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 262 | 34.40 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA23>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA23>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA23>24.4,"B2",IF(AA23>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA23>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
18 | 1018 | Nirusha S S | N | 20 | 10 | 9 | 10 | 49 | 36 | 85 | 8.5 | =901,"A1",IF(L24>=8.1,"A2",IF(L24>=7.1,"B1",IF(L24>6.1,"B2",IF(L24>=5.1,"C1",IF(L24>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 14 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 42 | 25 | 67 | 6.7 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U24>=8.1,"A2",IF(U24>=7.1,"B1",IF(U24>6.1,"B2",IF(U24>=5.1,"C1",IF(U24>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 64 | 12.80 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X24>=16.2,"A2",IF(X24>=14.2,"B1",IF(X24>=12.2,"B2",IF(X24>=10.2,"C1",IF(X24>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 216 | 28.00 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA24>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA24>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA24>24.4,"B2",IF(AA24>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA24>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 |
19 | 1019 | Prashant S M | N | 20 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 48 | 46 | 94 | 9.4 | =901,"A1",IF(L25>=8.1,"A2",IF(L25>=7.1,"B1",IF(L25>6.1,"B2",IF(L25>=5.1,"C1",IF(L25>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 19 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 49 | 30 | 79 | 7.9 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U25>=8.1,"A2",IF(U25>=7.1,"B1",IF(U25>6.1,"B2",IF(U25>=5.1,"C1",IF(U25>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 96 | 19.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X25>=16.2,"A2",IF(X25>=14.2,"B1",IF(X25>=12.2,"B2",IF(X25>=10.2,"C1",IF(X25>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 | 269 | 36.50 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA25>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA25>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA25>24.4,"B2",IF(AA25>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA25>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 |
20 | 1020 | Pyaranbi A N | U | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 49 | 99 | 9.9 | =901,"A1",IF(L26>=8.1,"A2",IF(L26>=7.1,"B1",IF(L26>6.1,"B2",IF(L26>=5.1,"C1",IF(L26>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 41 | 91 | 9.1 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U26>=8.1,"A2",IF(U26>=7.1,"B1",IF(U26>6.1,"B2",IF(U26>=5.1,"C1",IF(U26>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 | 94 | 18.80 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X26>=16.2,"A2",IF(X26>=14.2,"B1",IF(X26>=12.2,"B2",IF(X26>=10.2,"C1",IF(X26>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 | 284 | 37.80 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA26>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA26>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA26>24.4,"B2",IF(AA26>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA26>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 |
21 | 1021 | Raju M M | S | 20 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 49 | 46 | 95 | 9.5 | =901,"A1",IF(L27>=8.1,"A2",IF(L27>=7.1,"B1",IF(L27>6.1,"B2",IF(L27>=5.1,"C1",IF(L27>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 47 | 97 | 9.7 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U27>=8.1,"A2",IF(U27>=7.1,"B1",IF(U27>6.1,"B2",IF(U27>=5.1,"C1",IF(U27>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 | 96 | 19.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X27>=16.2,"A2",IF(X27>=14.2,"B1",IF(X27>=12.2,"B2",IF(X27>=10.2,"C1",IF(X27>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 | 288 | 38.40 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA27>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA27>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA27>24.4,"B2",IF(AA27>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA27>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 |
22 | 1022 | Raju T C | S | 14 | 6 | 6 | 9 | 35 | 23 | 58 | 5.8 | =901,"A1",IF(L28>=8.1,"A2",IF(L28>=7.1,"B1",IF(L28>6.1,"B2",IF(L28>=5.1,"C1",IF(L28>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 14 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 40 | 26 | 66 | 6.6 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U28>=8.1,"A2",IF(U28>=7.1,"B1",IF(U28>6.1,"B2",IF(U28>=5.1,"C1",IF(U28>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 61 | 12.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X28>=16.2,"A2",IF(X28>=14.2,"B1",IF(X28>=12.2,"B2",IF(X28>=10.2,"C1",IF(X28>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 185 | 24.60 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA28>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA28>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA28>24.4,"B2",IF(AA28>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA28>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 |
23 | 1023 | Ramakant C R | U | 20 | 2 | 9 | 9 | 40 | 20 | 60 | 6.0 | =901,"A1",IF(L29>=8.1,"A2",IF(L29>=7.1,"B1",IF(L29>6.1,"B2",IF(L29>=5.1,"C1",IF(L29>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 12 | 8 | 7 | 8 | 35 | 22 | 57 | 5.7 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U29>=8.1,"A2",IF(U29>=7.1,"B1",IF(U29>6.1,"B2",IF(U29>=5.1,"C1",IF(U29>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 50 | 10.00 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X29>=16.2,"A2",IF(X29>=14.2,"B1",IF(X29>=12.2,"B2",IF(X29>=10.2,"C1",IF(X29>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 | 167 | 21.70 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA29>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA29>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA29>24.4,"B2",IF(AA29>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA29>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 |
24 | 1024 | Sanjay G K | N | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 46 | 96 | 9.6 | =901,"A1",IF(L30>=8.1,"A2",IF(L30>=7.1,"B1",IF(L30>6.1,"B2",IF(L30>=5.1,"C1",IF(L30>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 18 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 47 | 36 | 83 | 8.3 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U30>=8.1,"A2",IF(U30>=7.1,"B1",IF(U30>6.1,"B2",IF(U30>=5.1,"C1",IF(U30>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 96 | 19.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X30>=16.2,"A2",IF(X30>=14.2,"B1",IF(X30>=12.2,"B2",IF(X30>=10.2,"C1",IF(X30>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 | 275 | 37.10 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA30>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA30>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA30>24.4,"B2",IF(AA30>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA30>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 |
25 | 1025 | Santaram R A | A | 20 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 44 | 25 | 69 | 6.9 | =901,"A1",IF(L31>=8.1,"A2",IF(L31>=7.1,"B1",IF(L31>6.1,"B2",IF(L31>=5.1,"C1",IF(L31>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 16 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 44 | 30 | 74 | 7.4 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U31>=8.1,"A2",IF(U31>=7.1,"B1",IF(U31>6.1,"B2",IF(U31>=5.1,"C1",IF(U31>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 74 | 14.80 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X31>=16.2,"A2",IF(X31>=14.2,"B1",IF(X31>=12.2,"B2",IF(X31>=10.2,"C1",IF(X31>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 217 | 29.10 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA31>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA31>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA31>24.4,"B2",IF(AA31>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA31>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 |
26 | 1026 | Santosh M C | U | 10 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 26 | 20 | 46 | 4.6 | =901,"A1",IF(L32>=8.1,"A2",IF(L32>=7.1,"B1",IF(L32>6.1,"B2",IF(L32>=5.1,"C1",IF(L32>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C2 | 11 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 31 | 28 | 59 | 5.9 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U32>=8.1,"A2",IF(U32>=7.1,"B1",IF(U32>6.1,"B2",IF(U32>=5.1,"C1",IF(U32>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 56 | 11.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X32>=16.2,"A2",IF(X32>=14.2,"B1",IF(X32>=12.2,"B2",IF(X32>=10.2,"C1",IF(X32>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 161 | 21.70 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA32>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA32>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA32>24.4,"B2",IF(AA32>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA32>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 |
27 | 1027 | Shantagouda S K | N | 20 | 7 | 10 | 10 | 47 | 42 | 89 | 8.9 | =901,"A1",IF(L33>=8.1,"A2",IF(L33>=7.1,"B1",IF(L33>6.1,"B2",IF(L33>=5.1,"C1",IF(L33>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 14 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 42 | 29 | 71 | 7.1 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U33>=8.1,"A2",IF(U33>=7.1,"B1",IF(U33>6.1,"B2",IF(U33>=5.1,"C1",IF(U33>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 82 | 16.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X33>=16.2,"A2",IF(X33>=14.2,"B1",IF(X33>=12.2,"B2",IF(X33>=10.2,"C1",IF(X33>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 242 | 32.40 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA33>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA33>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA33>24.4,"B2",IF(AA33>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA33>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
28 | 1028 | Sharada B H | U | 20 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 48 | 34 | 82 | 8.2 | =901,"A1",IF(L34>=8.1,"A2",IF(L34>=7.1,"B1",IF(L34>6.1,"B2",IF(L34>=5.1,"C1",IF(L34>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 18 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 47 | 32 | 79 | 7.9 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U34>=8.1,"A2",IF(U34>=7.1,"B1",IF(U34>6.1,"B2",IF(U34>=5.1,"C1",IF(U34>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 59 | 11.80 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X34>=16.2,"A2",IF(X34>=14.2,"B1",IF(X34>=12.2,"B2",IF(X34>=10.2,"C1",IF(X34>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 220 | 27.90 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA34>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA34>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA34>24.4,"B2",IF(AA34>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA34>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 |
29 | 1029 | Sharankumar S U | A | 18 | 5 | 10 | 9 | 42 | 35 | 77 | 7.7 | =901,"A1",IF(L35>=8.1,"A2",IF(L35>=7.1,"B1",IF(L35>6.1,"B2",IF(L35>=5.1,"C1",IF(L35>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 14 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 42 | 40 | 82 | 8.2 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U35>=8.1,"A2",IF(U35>=7.1,"B1",IF(U35>6.1,"B2",IF(U35>=5.1,"C1",IF(U35>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 72 | 14.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X35>=16.2,"A2",IF(X35>=14.2,"B1",IF(X35>=12.2,"B2",IF(X35>=10.2,"C1",IF(X35>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 231 | 30.30 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA35>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA35>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA35>24.4,"B2",IF(AA35>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA35>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 |
30 | 1030 | Sharat B P | A | 15 | 4 | 8 | 10 | 37 | 27 | 64 | 6.4 | =901,"A1",IF(L36>=8.1,"A2",IF(L36>=7.1,"B1",IF(L36>6.1,"B2",IF(L36>=5.1,"C1",IF(L36>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 18 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 48 | 35 | 83 | 8.3 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U36>=8.1,"A2",IF(U36>=7.1,"B1",IF(U36>6.1,"B2",IF(U36>=5.1,"C1",IF(U36>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 85 | 17.00 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X36>=16.2,"A2",IF(X36>=14.2,"B1",IF(X36>=12.2,"B2",IF(X36>=10.2,"C1",IF(X36>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 232 | 31.70 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA36>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA36>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA36>24.4,"B2",IF(AA36>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA36>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 |
31 | 1031 | Shashikanth S D | A | 17 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 45 | 30 | 75 | 7.5 | =901,"A1",IF(L37>=8.1,"A2",IF(L37>=7.1,"B1",IF(L37>6.1,"B2",IF(L37>=5.1,"C1",IF(L37>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 16 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 45 | 36 | 81 | 8.1 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U37>=8.1,"A2",IF(U37>=7.1,"B1",IF(U37>6.1,"B2",IF(U37>=5.1,"C1",IF(U37>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 81 | 16.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X37>=16.2,"A2",IF(X37>=14.2,"B1",IF(X37>=12.2,"B2",IF(X37>=10.2,"C1",IF(X37>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 237 | 31.80 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA37>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA37>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA37>24.4,"B2",IF(AA37>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA37>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 |
32 | 1032 | Shivanand I N | U | 17 | 5 | 9 | 9 | 40 | 30 | 70 | 7.0 | =901,"A1",IF(L38>=8.1,"A2",IF(L38>=7.1,"B1",IF(L38>6.1,"B2",IF(L38>=5.1,"C1",IF(L38>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 14 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 39 | 26 | 65 | 6.5 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U38>=8.1,"A2",IF(U38>=7.1,"B1",IF(U38>6.1,"B2",IF(U38>=5.1,"C1",IF(U38>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 59 | 11.80 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X38>=16.2,"A2",IF(X38>=14.2,"B1",IF(X38>=12.2,"B2",IF(X38>=10.2,"C1",IF(X38>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 194 | 25.30 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA38>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA38>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA38>24.4,"B2",IF(AA38>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA38>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 |
33 | 1033 | Shruti K R | N | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 43 | 93 | 9.3 | =901,"A1",IF(L39>=8.1,"A2",IF(L39>=7.1,"B1",IF(L39>6.1,"B2",IF(L39>=5.1,"C1",IF(L39>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 16 | 9 | 10 | 9 | 44 | 39 | 83 | 8.3 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U39>=8.1,"A2",IF(U39>=7.1,"B1",IF(U39>6.1,"B2",IF(U39>=5.1,"C1",IF(U39>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 80 | 16.00 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X39>=16.2,"A2",IF(X39>=14.2,"B1",IF(X39>=12.2,"B2",IF(X39>=10.2,"C1",IF(X39>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 256 | 33.60 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA39>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA39>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA39>24.4,"B2",IF(AA39>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA39>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
34 | 1034 | Shruti R A | S | 17 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 42 | 38 | 80 | 8.0 | =901,"A1",IF(L40>=8.1,"A2",IF(L40>=7.1,"B1",IF(L40>6.1,"B2",IF(L40>=5.1,"C1",IF(L40>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 16 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 44 | 41 | 85 | 8.5 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U40>=8.1,"A2",IF(U40>=7.1,"B1",IF(U40>6.1,"B2",IF(U40>=5.1,"C1",IF(U40>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 84 | 16.80 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X40>=16.2,"A2",IF(X40>=14.2,"B1",IF(X40>=12.2,"B2",IF(X40>=10.2,"C1",IF(X40>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 249 | 33.30 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA40>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA40>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA40>24.4,"B2",IF(AA40>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA40>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
35 | 1035 | Sundar B B | N | 19 | 6 | 10 | 10 | 45 | 32 | 77 | 7.7 | =901,"A1",IF(L41>=8.1,"A2",IF(L41>=7.1,"B1",IF(L41>6.1,"B2",IF(L41>=5.1,"C1",IF(L41>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 18 | 10 | 9 | 10 | 47 | 36 | 83 | 8.3 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U41>=8.1,"A2",IF(U41>=7.1,"B1",IF(U41>6.1,"B2",IF(U41>=5.1,"C1",IF(U41>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 86 | 17.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X41>=16.2,"A2",IF(X41>=14.2,"B1",IF(X41>=12.2,"B2",IF(X41>=10.2,"C1",IF(X41>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 246 | 33.20 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA41>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA41>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA41>24.4,"B2",IF(AA41>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA41>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
36 | 1036 | Supriya B M | U | 20 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 49 | 43 | 92 | 9.2 | =901,"A1",IF(L42>=8.1,"A2",IF(L42>=7.1,"B1",IF(L42>6.1,"B2",IF(L42>=5.1,"C1",IF(L42>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 18 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 48 | 44 | 92 | 9.2 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U42>=8.1,"A2",IF(U42>=7.1,"B1",IF(U42>6.1,"B2",IF(U42>=5.1,"C1",IF(U42>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 | 82 | 16.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X42>=16.2,"A2",IF(X42>=14.2,"B1",IF(X42>=12.2,"B2",IF(X42>=10.2,"C1",IF(X42>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 266 | 34.80 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA42>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA42>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA42>24.4,"B2",IF(AA42>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA42>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
37 | 1037 | Suvarna G M | S | 20 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 49 | 42 | 91 | 9.1 | =901,"A1",IF(L43>=8.1,"A2",IF(L43>=7.1,"B1",IF(L43>6.1,"B2",IF(L43>=5.1,"C1",IF(L43>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 9 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 37 | 23 | 60 | 6.0 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U43>=8.1,"A2",IF(U43>=7.1,"B1",IF(U43>6.1,"B2",IF(U43>=5.1,"C1",IF(U43>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>C1 | 77 | 15.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X43>=16.2,"A2",IF(X43>=14.2,"B1",IF(X43>=12.2,"B2",IF(X43>=10.2,"C1",IF(X43>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 228 | 30.50 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA43>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA43>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA43>24.4,"B2",IF(AA43>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA43>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 |
38 | 1038 | Varsha H C | S | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 44 | 94 | 9.4 | =901,"A1",IF(L44>=8.1,"A2",IF(L44>=7.1,"B1",IF(L44>6.1,"B2",IF(L44>=5.1,"C1",IF(L44>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 18 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 48 | 40 | 88 | 8.8 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U44>=8.1,"A2",IF(U44>=7.1,"B1",IF(U44>6.1,"B2",IF(U44>=5.1,"C1",IF(U44>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 81 | 16.20 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X44>=16.2,"A2",IF(X44>=14.2,"B1",IF(X44>=12.2,"B2",IF(X44>=10.2,"C1",IF(X44>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 263 | 34.40 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA44>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA44>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA44>24.4,"B2",IF(AA44>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA44>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
39 | 1039 | Varsha S S | A | 19 | 7 | 10 | 10 | 46 | 26 | 72 | 7.2 | =901,"A1",IF(L45>=8.1,"A2",IF(L45>=7.1,"B1",IF(L45>6.1,"B2",IF(L45>=5.1,"C1",IF(L45>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 12 | 8 | 6 | 9 | 35 | 30 | 65 | 6.5 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U45>=8.1,"A2",IF(U45>=7.1,"B1",IF(U45>6.1,"B2",IF(U45>=5.1,"C1",IF(U45>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 62 | 12.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X45>=16.2,"A2",IF(X45>=14.2,"B1",IF(X45>=12.2,"B2",IF(X45>=10.2,"C1",IF(X45>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 199 | 26.10 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA45>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA45>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA45>24.4,"B2",IF(AA45>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA45>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 |
40 | 1040 | Veena R H | A | 19 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 45 | 41 | 86 | 8.6 | =901,"A1",IF(L46>=8.1,"A2",IF(L46>=7.1,"B1",IF(L46>6.1,"B2",IF(L46>=5.1,"C1",IF(L46>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 42 | 92 | 9.2 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U46>=8.1,"A2",IF(U46>=7.1,"B1",IF(U46>6.1,"B2",IF(U46>=5.1,"C1",IF(U46>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>A1 | 82 | 16.40 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X46>=16.2,"A2",IF(X46>=14.2,"B1",IF(X46>=12.2,"B2",IF(X46>=10.2,"C1",IF(X46>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 | 260 | 34.20 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA46>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA46>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA46>24.4,"B2",IF(AA46>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA46>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>A2 |
41 | 1041 | Vishwaradhya S M | N | 17 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 41 | 33 | 74 | 7.4 | =901,"A1",IF(L47>=8.1,"A2",IF(L47>=7.1,"B1",IF(L47>6.1,"B2",IF(L47>=5.1,"C1",IF(L47>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B1 | 15 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 35 | 27 | 62 | 6.2 | =9.1,"A1",IF(U47>=8.1,"A2",IF(U47>=7.1,"B1",IF(U47>6.1,"B2",IF(U47>=5.1,"C1",IF(U47>=4.1,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 70 | 14.00 | =18.2,"A1",IF(X47>=16.2,"A2",IF(X47>=14.2,"B1",IF(X47>=12.2,"B2",IF(X47>=10.2,"C1",IF(X47>=8.2,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 | 206 | 27.60 | =36.4,"A1",IF(AA47>=32.4,"A2",IF(AA47>=28.4,"B1",IF(AA47>24.4,"B2",IF(AA47>=20.4,"C1",IF(AA47>=16.4,"C2","D"))))))'>B2 |
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