

          GROUP  DISCUSSION   
Area:  Health and Hygiene
Topic: How to maintain the cleanliness in Dormitory

Objectives: At the end of the Group Discussion all the students will be able to understand:
          i) Role of each person in maintaining dormitory and responsibility
          ii) The different methods of beautifying the dormitory in and around
               Living area
          iii) Ill effects of cleanliness
          iv) Understand importance of developing garden around the living area

          i)  Maintaining cleanliness in the living area
          ii) Develop the plants around the living area and its advantages
          iii) Monitoring the cleanliness in dormitory
          iv) Ill effects of un- cleanliness

The house system comprising 40 students was divided into four groups one week prior to the conduct of the group discussion. They were familiarized with the topic and each group was assigned one dimension to discuss and do the presentation. A leader was also selected for each group to coordinate the activity. As per our request, a block period was allotted for the conduct of the group discussion. In the evening after roll call at shivalik, junior house from 8.30pm to 9.10pm during the happy hour programme
On the day of the group discussion, that is , on 22/11/2019, the teacher went to the Dormitory along with house Masters shri Hanumesh and Mentor  Mr T.U.James  in the allotted block period and after two-three minutes of informal chat with the children they were to sit GroupWise. General instructions were given as to how to proceed. Each group discussed the dimension assigned to them.

FIRST GROUP : ‘Maintaining cleanliness in the living area ’
·       Arrangement of  bedding  items neatly and clean  in the dormitory all the time
·       Sweeping and wiping the flour/tiles with phenol minimum 3day in a week.
·       Cleaning the toilet area and both rooms on rotation basis
·       Preparing the duty chart and monitoring duty by house prefects
·       Cleaning the uniforms and inner garments and arrangement for ironing the uniform.
·       Compulsory Use of slippers for bath room and toilet
·       Washing the hands with  soap after use of bath rooms
·       Proper flush out of water after in sanitary place
·       Use of mosquito nets during sleeping hours
·       Leaving the shoes outside the door.

SECOND GROUP : Development of  garden around the living area ’and its advantages


1.    Seeding and protecting the ornamental plants around the dormitory  ornamental
2.    Watering the plants and fencing the garden area.
3.    Removing the weeds and providing pesticides
4.    Assigning responsibility for watch and guard .
5.    Beautifying the garden and greening the park
Advantage of plantation in and around the Dormitory
1.    Getting fresh air pleasant odor and fragrance
2.    Useful for study of botanical plants
3.    Enjoy the shadow of trees,
4.    Enjoy the beauty of park
5.    Understand the stages and development plant anatomy
6.    Parents day inmates enjoy meals under the green park
7.    It is based on the principle of work and worship
8.    Develop sense of respect towards labor
9.    Creates self esteem in agriculture work    


Roaster wise duty chart was prepared to maintain the cleanliness in side the dormitory particularly, arrangement of cots, beds, living area  and arrangement of  belongings and cleaning the courtyard and bath rooms    .

·       Preparation of Roaster wise sweeping duty
·       Preparing Rotation wise cleaning  chart outside premises including park area
·       Assigning responsibility to each individuals to take care of plants and observe the changes and growth of plants
·       Preparing chart routine activities in group work
·       Record the opinion of parents when they come and enjoy the beauty of living area

Fourth group: ill effects of non cleanlyness

·        When proper sweeping is not done dust particles will spoil the health.
·       Every student will get disease such as malaria, influenza, cough, etc
·       Persons will not get good air for breathing
·       Lack of cleanliness will leads to health hazards .
·       Person will often fall sick
·       Devolpoment of mental health and hygiene is deteriorate day by day.

The group leaders ensured that all the members in their groups took active part in the discussion.  They noted down the important points for presentation. They had already downloaded some important information from the internet which they incorporated into their points for presentation.  At the end of the discussion, the group leaders were asked to sit in the chairs arranged at the front of the class and talk to the audience representing their groups.  

All the leaders did an excellent job of presenting the views of their group and they took questions from the audience and answered them very confidently and convincingly. Another three students  also spoke supplementing the presentation of their group leaders. In short , it was a new learning experience for the whole house students and they enjoyed it.
The conduct of the group discussion gave me a new insight into the role of the group guidance activities in teaching-learning process. All teaching-learning is not as much about transmitting information to students as  creating opportunities in the class for them to think , refer, plan , organize, interact, talk and perform. All this ultimately leads to creating and acquiring knowledge -the crux of constructivism.
Though conducting group discussion was nothing new to me , this method of organizing the activity taught me how to do it in a more structured and meaningful way which ensured the participation of the entire house students .
To sum up, now I feel more confident and well-equipped to organize group discussion in my House and class as I am class teacher as well as house Master for 40 students of different class that too in residential school like Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalay Schools

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